ADN Insider
Langue fr ADN Group

Your negotiator profile

Free & Fast

You are unique

We all have
different negotiator profile

We all negotiate, professionally or personally, and we carry out these negotiations in our own way, according to our personality. Each negotiator has a unique profile made up of qualities, personal characteristics, and technical skill. Knowing and understanding your negotiator profile, as well as those of your team members, will allow you to be more efficient and have better collective agility.  

the first test to establish a negotiator profile

The ADN Insider negotiator profile test was created by ADN Group’s professional negotiators. It is structured around 50 questions based on main subjects derived from the experience of hundreds of negotiations. In only 8 minutes, each user will assess their negotiator profile for free, while targeting their strong points and improvement points in the ten key-skills of negotiation. 


Free & Fast

a simple and practical tool

The ADN Insider test is made up of 50 multiple choice questions.  Once the test is completed you will receive detailed results on each of the fields of skill you have assessed. Answer honestly, your information will not be given to a third party and can be erased at any moment if you wish.


An agency that is unique in the world

ADN's experts work with the subjects of crisis management, leadership or the performance and assistance of companies, NGOs, and government organisations in the resolution of their critical situations: commercial and social negotiations, crisis management, social conflicts and diplomatic relations. 

They place their trust in us

More than 1 200 internationals customers

A team dedicated to you

Contact us
+33 1 58 56 26 25

75006 PARIS