ADN Insider
Langue fr ADN Group

Terms and Conditions of Use

Thank you for choosing ADN Insider products and services. Our services are produced by the simplified joint stock company ADN Group, registered with the RCS de Paris (Trade and Company Register), under the registration n° 792 816 928. Our headquarters are located at the following address: 9, rue Guénégaud 75006  PARIS. ADN Insider Services include a test of 100 questions that will evaluate your negotiator profile and highlight your skills in negotiation.

To be able to use our Services through our website, you must agree to the following Terms and Conditions of Use, which we ask you to read carefully. 

Application of Terms and Conditions of Use

Online agreement of Terms and Conditions of Use by the User

Our Terms and Conditions of Use are applied to ALL online Services provided by ADN INSIDER, regardless of the nature. They apply to all Users of the website including both users and administrators (“the User”).

To use our Services you must agree to the following Terms and Conditions of Use as a User of the website (the “website”) and the online services.

By ticking the box “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of use” in the Sign-in Section, it will be considered that you have read, agreed to and comply with, the following Terms and Conditions of Use.

No exemption to the following Terms and Conditions of Use will be allowed without the prerequisite agreement of ADN INSIDER. Any terms that have an opposing clause to ADN INSIDER’s present Terms and Conditions of Use are non-binding.

The following Terms and Conditions of Use are liable to change. We recommend that you regularly consult the Terms and Conditions of Use, as any modifications made will be published on the website. Any eventual modifications will not be applied retroactively and will only come into effect fourteen (14) days after publication. Any modifications to new features or to any new services, as well as, any modifications made for legal reasons will come into effect immediately.

If you do not agree to any modifications of the present Terms and Conditions of Use you must immediately cease all use of our Services.

The following Terms and Conditions of Use can be seen on the website: 


See below the definitions for the following terms each time they appear in capital letters in the Terms and Conditions of Use:

“ADN INSIDER” : designates the simplified joint stock company ADN GROUP registered with the RCS de Paris (Trade and Company Register), under the registration n° 792 816 928, with headquarters at the following address: 9, rue Guénégaud 75006  PARIS.

“Services”: designates all of the online Services provided by ADN INSIDER, free of charge. This includes a test of a fifty (50) questions that will allow the User to define their negotiator profile and target their negotiation skills as a result.

“User”: designates any person who has accepted the following Terms and Conditions of Use, who is surfing the website or using the services.

“Administrator”: designates any person (recruiter, employee, and any third party related to ADN INSIDER) who holds the position of administrator and can attribute a Users Account to a User. This person will also hold the position of a User when surfing the website or using the Services.

“Website”: designates the website:

“Account”: designates any account, created by a User or attributed by an Administrator, used to gain access to the Services through the Sign-In section.

“Username and password”: designates confidential information necessary to identify the User on the website so they can access their Account.

“Personal Data”: designates any information pertaining to an identified physical person or to a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly,  through an identification number or through several elements that belong uniquely to them.

Website access and use of ADN INSIDER Services

Website hosting and access

Website ownership

The owner of the website is SAS ADN GROUP registered with the RCS de Paris (Trade and Company Register), under the registration n° 792 816 928, with headquarters at the following address: 9, rue Guénégaud 75006 PARIS.

Website Host

OVH, SAS with the capital of 10 069 020 € RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z. VAT N°: FR 22 424 761 419
Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
Publication Manager: Octave KLABA

Access to the Website and Services

To access the Services you must fill in the necessary information in the Sign-In section.

Do not create, or attempt to create, interferences with the Services, by attempting to access or use the Services by any other means than the interface or the indicated instructions.

The User must keep the information provided on their registration confidential, including the Username and Password, giving them access to their Account. ADN Insider must be informed immediately if your information is lost or stolen so that a new Account and Password can be created.

Using ADN INSIDER Services

Services Details

ADN INSIDER Services include:

A timed test of a fifty (50) questions based on ten (10) key negotiation skills. The duration length of the test is imperative and imposed on the User who cannot demand a longer time period.  The User cannot, under any conditions, ask for a memorandum with a description of the answers given during the test.

A negotiator profile that highlights the Users negotiation skills will result from the answers given during the test. The established negotiator profile may be communicated to the User as well as to any entity, acting as Administrator, who may have asked for the test to be taken.

Use of Services by the User

By accepting the following Terms and conditions of Use you are compelled to observe the obligations required for use of the Services.

Because of the scientific nature of the test and because of the negotiator profile that will be established, the User must agree to use the Services in their original version, by answering the questions seriously and mindfully, to preserve their validity and pertinence.

The User must agree to protect the contents of the test, mainly by abstaining from making any kind of reproduction of the contents of the Services, regardless of the means. The User is compelled to never divulge any of the contents of the Services to a third party and to use the Services according to applicable law. 

The Services must not be used in an inappropriate way. Any contrary use or the suspicion of contrary use of the Services as they appear in the following Terms and Conditions of use may be liable to unilateral decision by ADN INSIDER to suspend or cancel the Users account.

ADN INSIDER understands that the negotiator profile that results from the test may be used for recruiting. The User is, therefore, authorised to pass on their negotiator profile as long as it is the original document that was received from ADN INSIDER, without any supplementary additions, any crossing out, or any modifications made to the original document.

ADN INSIDER is not responsible for any damage caused by wrongful use of the Services.

Privacy Policy for the protection of your personal data and privacy. 

General aims of our privacy policy

ADN INSIDER commits to protect your Personal Data within the framework of the present Terms and Conditions of Use. No personal information will be demanded when you gain access to the website. When, however, you create your account and use the Services, ADN INSIDER will gather Personal Data that concerns you.  

When Personal Data is supplied, through the use of our Services, you are agreeing that they will be gathered and used according to the present Terms and Conditions of Use.

Our Privacy policy includes:

- any Personal Data or information that has been gathered;
- the purpose of the gathered information and the use of your Personal Data;
- the safety of your Personal Data and any transmission of the data to a third party;
- the disposal period for your Personal Data;
-   consultation, rectification or opposition rights concerning your Personal Data.

Details concerning Personal Data and collected information

The information you will be supplying to ADN INSIDER

To be able to use our Services you must create an Account. This will require the transmission of Personal Data such as, your name, surname, email address, phone number, date of birth, place and country of residence, gender, education, current or future employer, business sector, workstation, your experience in negotiation, and any eventual training you have already received in negotiation. 

Information received by ADN INSIDER from a third party  

Any account can be created by an Administrator and assigned to a User. ADN INSIDER can therefore collect personal information given by a third party that would be similar to the information supplied by a User to ADN INSIDER on the creation of their Account.

Gathered information while using our Services

IT information will be gathered while using our Services. These include data regarding the device you will be using (model, operating system) and connection information such as, your Internet provider or your mobile operator.

ADN INSIDER uses cookies or information gathering systems that allow us to identify your connection, device and Internet navigator.  

Use made of your Personal Data and information gathered by ADN INSIDER

Your Personal Data will be used by ADN INSIDER to:

Improve and develop the Services

Your Personal Data allows ADN INSIDER to identify you while you are passing the test. This can improve the relevancy of the test as well as consistency between the negotiator profile and the answers given by the User during the test.

Communicate with you and the persons that assigned you an Account

You personal information helps us to answer all the questions that you may ask and allows us to send you commercial information and inform the User and Administrator of the different services provided by ADN INSIDER.

Improve security and protect both the User and ADN INSIDER

Your personal information helps us keep a check on your Account. On the one hand to make sure that no one is using your account fraudulently but also to make sure that the Services are being used in compliance with the present Terms and conditions of Use.  

By agreeing to the present Terms and Conditions of Use you have given your irrefutable consent to the use of your Personal Data. Your approval will be needed for the use of your Personal Data for other means than the ones outlined in the present Terms and conditions of Use.

Security and the transmission of Personal Data to a third party


We guarantee the security of your Personal Data, insofar as possible, from any fraudulent access, disclosure and alteration.

Restrictions on the transmission of answers given during the test and for the negotiator profile

To protect the User from improper use of their Personal Data ADN INSIDER commits to:

- not transfer answers given to the test;
- only transmit the negotiator profile to the User or Administrator that assigned the Account to the User.

Transferring your Personal Data to service providers or a third party

Your Personal Data will be transferred to a service provider who will process them on our account, while following our directions and in strict compliance with our privacy rules.

We can use and disclose information for sales, marketing and strategic purposes, without it being possible, through the information supplied, to individually identify a User.

We can disclose your Personal Data when we esteem that this transmission is necessary to respect the law and to protect ADN INSIDER, the Users, Administrators, our clients and the public in a general manner.

We are authorised to transmit your Personal Data to any person or entity that purchases our commercial trade or workforce by any means of transmission. 

We will never transfer any delicate Personal Data without your prior agreement.

The disposal period for your Personal Data

Your Personal Data will be kept for the necessary amount of time that you use our Services.

When you delete your Account we will delete your Personal Data within a period of time that will not exceed a strict time limit for computer processing.

Consultation, updating and opposition rights

You may contact ADN INSIDER to:
- ask if we posses Personal Data that concerns you and if need be obtain the communication in its entirety;

- ask us to rectify any inaccurate information that concerns you;
- disagree to appear, for legitimate reasons, in a file and disagree that any data that concerns you be circulated, released, or kept.

Our policy on Cookies

If you have an account, we use Cookies but we do not use Cookies to gather nominative information. You can modify the management of your cookies by connecting to the privacy page on your Internet navigator.

We use the following category of Cookies:

Cookies that are necessary to use the Services and to improve the Website’s performance.

These Cookies are used mainly to facilitate your navigation on the Website by providing you with your Username or by allowing you access to certain pages on the Website. 

Cookies that are necessary to secure your Account.

These Cookies are used mainly to guarantee your Account’s security and to avoid any fraudulent connection attempts or any use that does not comply with the Services.

Cookies that are necessary to establish statistics and analysis.

Intellectual Property

The content of the tests, the diverse Services and the Website are protected by copyright, database rights, and any other rights on intellectual property that are held by ADN INSIDER.

The use of our Website and our Services does not confer you with any intellectual property rights on our Services or on the content that you have access to, mainly the questions and answers to the test. You cannot copy the content of the test or the Services or publish or distribute them to any end or purpose or use them to carry out research or any related work; without the prior and clearly obtain agreement of ADN INSIDER.

The Terms and Conditions of Use do not give you any right to use any mark or logo used by our Services or on our Website.

You are authorised to read, print and download the following contents on the condition that they are accurately reproduced and entirely identical to the original version provided by ADN INSIDER and that the source of the content is identified and easily identifiable: the page of the Account reserved for private use and the negotiator profile established after taking the test.

Warranty and non-accountability clause

The whole of the Services, including the evaluation test, and the resulting negotiator profile are based on the expertise and the acquired knowledge of the ADN INSIDER team on the subject of negotiation and meet through a simple obligation means that relate to ADN INSIDER. The Services cannot be considered, by Users or Administrators, as being intangible or as reflecting the reality of the behaviour of the User in an accurate and certain way.

ADN INSIDER endeavours to maintain that the diverse information available on the Website is accurate but refuses to provide any guarantee on their accurateness, their relevancy or completeness. 

The limitations of the following guarantee are applied to the whole of our Services: ADN INSIDER makes no specific commitment concerning the Services and does not commit on the content, reliability or suitability of its Services to your needs.

ADN INSIDER declines any responsibility in the case of damages created by provided information while using the Services and cannot be held responsible, under any circumstances, for the manner in which this information may be interpreted.

How to contact us 

If you find the present information concerning our Services, inexact, or if you have questions concerning the present Terms and Conditions of Use and your rights relating to these you can contact us by going to the Contact section on our Website. 

Applicable law and appropriate jurisdiction

The present Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to French Law.

Any litigation resulting from an interpretation or execution of the present Terms and Conditions of Use will come under the jurisdiction of the Tribunaux de Paris (Paris Courthouse), notwithstanding the eventual plurality of the defendant or any recourse in warranty.


 Up date August 2024